WHO we are
Opal is not a brick-and-mortar agency. Why digital and entirely remote? Because we value freedom, creating when inspiration strikes (which is sometimes at 2AM), and trusting a team of adults to get the job done right and by the deadline. …Oh, and not charging our clients an extra $20k so we can pay for an office space helps, too.
While Chief Designer Katie Opalinska is based in Chicago, Opal has worked with clientele from all over the world.
Our Values
for those doing good
We know that black lives matter, that no human is illegal, and support the LGBTQ+ community. Additionally, we do not take on corporate clients who contribute to wealth inequality by not paying workers a livable wage, forcing them to rely on social programs while simultaneously lobbying to eliminate them.
Opal gives significant discounts to non-profits and bootstrapped social enterprises. Our services have benefited anti-hunger and anti-homelessness efforts, forest preservation, voting rights, and more. Please contact info@opalbranding.com to inquire about a possible discount.

opal branding
Branding through authenticity.